Ways to Childproof Your Home
Did you know that household injuries are one of the top reasons children visit the emergency room every year? Childproofing your home is essential to your child’s safety. Prevention can eliminate nearly all of the possible injuries. Be prepared by childproofing nurseries, bathrooms, kitchen or any area of your home that could possibly be a treat to your child. Take the necessary safety measures to ensure that your child is safe in your home.

- – Any poisonous household products or medicine, place in cabinets or drawers with safety latches to keep them out of reach of children.
- – Put reminder stickers from poison prevention centers on hazardous items and always keep the poison center phone number (1-800-222-1222) somewhere visible.
- – When using the stove, use the back burners, turn all pot handles away from the front of stove and out of reach of children
- – Place safety gates at both the top and bottom of all stairways and in doorways of any rooms with potential hazards.
- – Always keep all unused electrical outlets covered with safety caps or outlet protectors.
- – Install locks on your toilets to help keep their lids closed. Small children are more top-heavy than adults and can easily lean and fall into toilets. Children can also drown in as little as one-inch of water.
- – Prevent furniture like bookcases and shelving from tipping over by storing heavier items on the bottom shelves or drawers.
- – Window blinds with looped cords are strangulation hazards for small children. All window treatments purchased before 2001 should be repaired or replaced with child safe cordless blinds. At Innuwindow, we provide the safest cordless blinds with lift technology to ensure a safe environment for your children.
- It’s important to remember that childproofing you home can never be 100% effective in prevent household injuries. Supervise your children at all times.